Scam texts are tricking Apple users and causing worry. Fraudsters pretend there are big Apple Pay charges, sometimes hundreds of dollars. They tell people to call a support number right away. The messages look like real alerts, which makes customers panic.
Scammers use the feeling of urgency to steal sensitive information from customers quickly.
Experts from Mac Observer and Mac Reports say these messages often have generic greetings and tiny mistakes to seem real. They tell victims not to click on weird links or call numbers they don’t know. It’s best to check alerts on Apple’s official website and your bank accounts.
Experts say: ‘Don’t trust urgent texts; contact Apple directly‘ – Mac Observer
Further investigations show attackers can get into devices remotely, stealing passwords and putting spyware on them. Authorities tell customers to report fake messages right away and ignore strange links. It’s crucial to verify alerts through official Apple channels to protect your information. Customers must check alerts.